Friday, March 15, 2013

Chapter 18, Shloka 67 - 78

Shloka 67
idam te natapaskaya 
nabhaktaya kadacana 
na casusrusave vacyam 
na ca mam yo 'bhyasuyati

This (aforementioned secret teachings) shall not ever be spoke by you to one without austerity, one without devotion, one who does not wish to listen or to one who speaks ill of me.

Shloka 68

ya idam paramam guhyam 
mad-bhaktesv abhidhasyati 
bhaktim mayi param krtva 
mam evaisyaty asamsayah

Who, this supreme secret, shall explain to my devotees, having performed supreme devotion to me, will come to me, without doubt.

Shloka 69

na ca tasman manusyesu 
kascin me priya-krttamah 
bhavita na ca me tasmad 
anyah priyataro bhuvi

No one among men does (service) dearer to me, no one shall be dearer to me than him on earth.

Shloka 70
adhyesyate ca ya imam 
dharmyam samvadam avayoh 
jnana-yajnena tenaham 
istah syam iti me matih

One who studies this dharma-conversation of ours, through gyana-yagna (sacrifice of knowledge/intelligence), he loves me, this is my opinion.

Shloka 71
sraddhavan anasuyas ca 
srnuyad api yo narah 
so 'pi muktah subhal lokan 
prapnuyat punya-karmanam

Full of faith and without derision, one who listens, he too is liberated and reaches happy (peaceful) realms of those whose actions are pure.

Shloka 72
kaccid etac chrutam partha 
tvayaikagrena cetasa 
kaccid ajnana-sammohah 
pranastas te dhananjaya

Has this been heard by you Arjuna with concentrated mind? Has ignorance and confusion of yours been destroyed, O Dhannjaya?

Shloka 73
arjuna uvaca 
nasto mohah smrtir labdha 
tvat-prasadan mayacyuta 
sthito 'smi gata-sandehah 
karisye vacanam tava

Arjuna said, destroyed is my delusion (and I have) gained wisdom by your grace my dear Achyuta (indestructible one). I stand rid of doubts, and shall do (follow) your command.

Shloka 74
sanjaya uvaca 
ity aham vasudevasya 
parthasya ca mahatmanah 
samvadam imam asrausam 
adbhutam roma-harsanam

Sanjaya said: Thus I heard the wondrous conversation of (between) Vasudeva and the great soul Partha, (which) makes my hair stand on its end. 

Shloka 75
vyasa-prasadac chrutavan 
etad guhyam aham param 
yogam yogesvarat krsnat 
saksat kathayatah svayam

By the grace of Vyasa, I heard this supreme secret of Yoga from Yogeshwara (Lord of Yoga) Krishna, verily (literal : before my eyes) himself articulating (speaking).

Shloka 76
rajan samsmrtya samsmrtya 
samvadam imam adbhutam 
kesavarjunayoh punyam 
hrsyami ca muhur muhuh

O King, recollecting again and again, this wondrous and holy conversation of Keshava and Arjuna, I rejoice again and again. 

Shloka 77
tac ca samsmrtya samsmrtya 
rupam aty-adbhutam hareh 
vismayo me mahan rajan 
hrsyami ca punah punah

This (the previous shloka) and, recollecting again and again, the extremely marvelous form of Hari (Krishna), I am greatly astonished (thrilled) O King; and I rejoice again and again.

Shloka 78
yatra yogesvarah krsno 
yatra partho dhanur-dharah 
tatra srir vijayo bhutir 
dhruva nitir matir mama

Wherever Yogeshwara Krishna (and) (wherever) Partha the bow-wielder, there splendor, victory, wealth (well-being) and eternal righteousness (dharma) (reside), in my opinion.