Monday, November 12, 2007

Arjuna's denial

Last week, we were at the point in discussion where Arjuna is face to face with the reality of the situation, that he would have to kill his very own family and friends. To me, it seems that perhaps Arjuna is in denial of the situation until this point, and that although he knew there would be a war and that he would have to fight, he did not expect to be in a predicament where he had to kill his own family and friends. When the reality of the situation dawns on him, he does not know how to face it.

1 comment:

Gopal said...


I would like to recall what Lisa had pointed out : Arjuna facing 'Identity crisis'. It is not a simple identity crisis (one that we have when facing a new situation), but a profound one where the principles and moral values that Arjuna thought as 'eternal' truth came crumbling down on him. So, yes...Arjuna was in denial, or perhaps denial born out of ignorance and misplaced value system.
