Tuesday, December 4, 2007

End of Chapter 1 - Arjuna's dilemma

We completed Chapter 1.

The last few shloka form the 'core' of Arjuna's argument on why 'I will not fight'.

'Hind sight is 20/20'. Having read Gita and having heard about it from various sources, we are able to quickly identify the 'problems' of Arjuna. In my opinion, if we were to really make use of Gita, then the points identified by Arjuna act as pointers to our predicament with the world.

We closely identify ourselves with our lineage, our relatives, our possessions etc. Almost every small task that we perform is an indication of 'who we are' - as determined by 'who our family members are' or 'how much wealth we have' or 'what education I have' etc. And these are the very points that Arjuna has now thrown at Krishna.

Personally, will Krishna's answers 'satisfy' us? Or will His answers kindle us to think further? Or are we merely reading BG as another 'scriptural' text to be learnt/memorized and added to the list of items that we 'identify' with?


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