Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Chapter 12, Shloka 1 - 20

Shloka 1
arjuna uvaca
evam satata-yukta ye
bhaktas tvam paryupasate
ye capy aksaram avyaktam
tesam ke yoga-vittamah

Arjuna said : Thus constantly steadfast who devotees you worship, and who imperishable and unmanifest, of them which (who) has better knowledge of yoga?

Shloka 2
sri-bhagavan uvaca
mayy avesya mano ye mam
nitya-yukta upasate
sraddhaya parayopetas
te me yuktatama matah

Shri Bhagavan said: On me fixing (their) mind those who ever-steadfast in worship; endowed with faith supreme, they are thought to be most-yoked to me.

Shloka 3
ye tv aksaram anirdesyam
avyaktam paryupasate
sarvatra-gam acintyam ca
kuta-stham acalam dhruvam

Who imperishable, undefinable, unmanifest, worship, all pervading, unthinkable also unchanging, un-moving steady

Shloka 4
sarvatra sama-buddhayah
te prapnuvanti mam eva
sarva-bhuta-hite ratah

Controlling multitude of senses, everywhere even-minded, they too achieve me, (those) rejoicing in welfare of all-beings

Shloka 5
kleso 'dhikataras tesam
avyakta hi gatir duhkham
dehavadbhir avapyate

Pain (exertion) is greater of them, those attached to the unmanifest, unmanifest goal is indeed  difficult for the embodied to attain.

Shloka 6
ye tu sarvani karmani
mayi sannyasya mat-parah
ananyenaiva yogena
mam dhyayanta upasate

Who, but, all action in me renounce (hold) me supreme, with undistracted yoga me meditate upon and worship.

Shloka 7
tesam aham samuddharta
bhavami na cirat partha
mayy avesita-cetasam

Of them, I am deliverer (from) death-rebirth-ocean, without delay, O Partha; (whose) consciousness in me has entered.

Shloka 8
mayy eva mana adhatsva
mayi buddhim nivesaya
nivasisyasi mayy eva
ata urdhvam na samsayah

In me alone fix (your) mind, into me let your intelligence enter, (then) you'll dwell in me only, from now on (henceforth) do no doubt.

Shloka 9
atha cittam samadhatum
na saknosi mayi sthiram
abhyasa-yogena tato
mam icchaptum dhananjaya

Or if, (you are) not able to hold in place (your) mind steadily  in me, (then) by yoga of practice, there on, seek to attain me, Dhananjaya (Arjuna).

Shloka 10
abhyase 'py asamartho 'si
mat-karma-paramo bhava
mad-artham api karmani
kurvan siddhim avapsyasi

(If) you are unable to practice also, (then) let (consider) my work (to) be supreme, performing work for my sake, perfection you'll attain.

Shloka 11

athaitad apy asakto 'si
kartum mad-yogam asritah
tatah kuru yatatmavan

Or if, (this) also (you are) unable to do, then depending upon my power, abandoning fruits of all actions, there on do (actions) with self-restraint.

Shloka 12
sreyo hi jnanam abhyasaj 

jnanad dhyanam visisyate
dhyanat karma-phala-tyagas
tyagac chantir anantaram

Superior, indeed, is knowledge than practice, than knowledge meditation (is) superior, than meditation abandoning fruits of actions, from abandonment (follows) peace immediately.

Shloka 13
advesta sarva-bhutanam 
maitrah karuna eva ca 
nirmamo nirahankarah 
sama-duhkha-sukhah ksami

(A) non-hater of all beings, friendly (and) compassionate, freed from attachment, free from ego, same (indifferent) in pain and pleasure, patient. 

Shloka 14
santustah satatam yogi 
yatatma drdha-niscayah 
mayy arpita-mano-buddhir 
yo mad-bhaktah sa me priyah

Contented always, yogi, self-restrained and firm in resolve, in me entrusted mind and intelligence, who is devoted to me, he is dear to me.

Shloka 15
yasman nodvijate loko 
lokan nodvijate ca yah 
mukto yah sa ca me priyah

From whom the world (does) not shrink, (and) who from (the) world (does) not-shrink, who is freed (from) pleasure-indignation-fear-distress, he too (is) dear (to) me.

Shloka 16
anapeksah sucir daksa 
udasino gata-vyathah 
yo mad-bhaktah sa me priyah

Who (is) disinterested, pure, capable, indifferent, freed-from-anxiety, abandoning all undertakings, (and is) devoted to me, he is dear to me. 

Shloka 17
yo na hrsyati na dvesti 
na socati na kanksati 
bhaktiman yah sa me priyah

Who (does) not rejoice, nor hate, neither mourns nor expects, (has) abandoned agreeable-disagreeable, (and) he is full of devotion, he is dear to me. 

Shloka 18
samah satrau ca mitre ca 
tatha manapamanayoh 
samah sanga-vivarjitah

Alike (to) foe and friend, (and) in honor and dishonor, same (steady) in cold-heat-pleasure-pain, freed from attachment.

Shloka 19
tulya-ninda-stutir mauni 
santusto yena kenacit 
aniketah sthira-matir 
bhaktiman me priyo narah

Similar in praise-censure, taciturn, contented with anything-whatever, homeless, steady-minded, full of devotion, (that) man is dear to me.

Shloka 20
ye tu dharmamrtam idam 
yathoktam paryupasate 
sraddadhana mat-parama 
bhaktas te 'tiva me priyah

Indeed, who, this nectar of dharma, as propounded (a fore) worship/honor full of faith; consider me as Supreme (and) are devoted, they (are) exceedingly dear to me.

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