Sunday, November 11, 2007

Arjuna Vs other mortals

When we were talking about whether Arjuna overcame the body consciousness completely after receiving the Gita from the Lord, I was reminded of a story. Here it is...

Once there was merchant who had four sons. He named the as Rama, Krishna, Govinda and Narayana, so that he could chant the name of the Lord when ever he called his sons. However, when he was in his death bed he was calling the names of the Lord (as well as his sons) and all his sons gathered around. When he saw all 4 sons he said, all of you are here, what about the shop and precisely at that moment he dies.

The case in point is, its not just our desire to reach God that takes us to Him, but constant practice and sincere Sadhana. This over many life times refines the souls and that refinement enables one to realize the self.

Thus, although Arjuna is a very refined soul, he did not completely defeat the ego and other mortals (like the merchant) need many life times to reach a degree refinement that is of Arjuna.

1 comment:

Gopal said...

Nice story... brings out the point about lifetime(s) effort to reach the Self.
