Saturday, December 29, 2007

Late awakening of Arjuna's Faith

We continued on Chapter 2, wherein Arjuna confused with multiple dharmas begs Krishna to tell 'for sure' (Nischitam) which Dharma to follow.

One participant raised a question : If Arjuna knew Krishna was the Lord, why didn't he follow the commands initially itself? Why does Arjuna still argue with Krishna about dharma?

One appealing answer to the problem was with Arjuna's trust in his intelligence to find the proper dharma. Arjuna (not unlike us!) used his intelligence to discover his way out of the dharmic-maze. However, his over-reliance on his own intelligence (last vestige of his ego?) caused him to question Bhagawan. However, unlike us, Arjuna was blessed because he knew when to set his intelligence aside and beg for guidance from the Lord.

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