Thursday, December 20, 2012

Chapter 18, Shloka 1 - 4

Shloka 1
arjuna uvaca 
sannyasasya maha-baho 
tattvam icchami veditum 
tyagasya ca hrsikesa 
prthak kesi-nisudana

Arjuna said: Sanyasa, O mighty-armed one, I wish to understand its truth. And that of tyaga O Hrishikesha. But separately/individually, O slayer of the demon Kesi.

Shloka 2
sri-bhagavan uvaca 
kamyanam karmanam nyasam 
sannyasam kavayo viduh 
prahus tyagam vicaksanah

The Lord said: Desire prompted activities when given up is Sanyasa, so say the poet (learned ones). To give up the results of all activities is perceived as renunciation by those who see clearly (wise ones).

Shloka 3
tyajyam dosa-vad ity eke 
karma prahur manisinah 
na tyajyam iti capare

Karma itself is to be given up, since it is tainted, say some wise ones; while other say yagna (ceremonial sacrifice), dana (charity), austerities and karma (action enjoined in the scriptures) should not be given up.

Shloka 4
niscayam srnu me tatra 
tyage bharata-sattama 
tyago hi purusa-vyaghra 
tri-vidhah samprakirtitah

Conclusion (definitive answer), listen to it from me about tyaga O best of the Bharatas. Tyaga, or tiger among men, is classified into three.

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