Friday, December 28, 2012

Chapter 18 Shloka 5 - 12

Shloka 5
na tyajyam karyam eva tat 
yajno danam tapas caiva 
pavanani manisinam

Acts of sacrifice, charity and austerity are not to be given up. Indeed these are to be performed. Indeed, sacrifice, charity and austerity purify the wise (among men).

Shloka 6
etany api tu karmani 
sangam tyaktva phalani ca 
kartavyaniti me partha 
niscitam matam uttamam

These (the activities mentioned in Shloka 5) indeed should be performed abandoning attachment (to action) and its fruits, as duties. Partha. That is my final opinion and the best.

Shloka 7
niyatasya tu sannyasah 
karmano nopapadyate 
mohat tasya parityagas 
tamasah parikirtitah

Obligatory duties should not be renounced; for, illusion prompted renunciation (of duties) is tamasic.

Shloka 8
duhkham ity eva yat karma 
kaya-klesa-bhayat tyajet 
sa krtva rajasam tyagam 
naiva tyaga-phalam labhet

Difficult, (considering it thus) or, out of fear of bodily harm,  if anyone gives up action, performs rajasic-sacrifice and will not obtain the benefits of tyaga. 

Shloka 9
karyam ity eva yat karma 
niyatam kriyate 'rjuna 
sangam tyaktva phalam caiva 
sa tyagah sattviko matah

Duty (considering it thus), who performs his obligatory action with discipline Arjuna, and has abandoned attachment (to action) and its fruits is considered satvic tyaga. 

Shloka 10
na dvesty akusalam karma 
kusale nanusajjate 
tyagi sattva-samavisto 
medhavi chinna-samsayah

Neither disliking unpleasant action, nor desiring (clinging) to pleasant/auspicious action, such a tyagi is filled with sattva and that intelligent one has cut-asunder doubts.

Shloka 11
na hi deha-bhrta sakyam 
tyaktum karmany asesatah 
yas tu karma-phala-tyagi 
sa tyagity abhidhiyate

Embodied cannot abandon action completely, (hence) he who abandons the fruits of action is known as tyagi. 

Shloka 12
anistam istam misram ca 
tri-vidham karmanah phalam 
bhavaty atyaginam pretya 
na tu sannyasinam kvacit

Desired, undesired and mixed are the threefold results of action for one who has not abandoned its fruits;  after departing; but for a sanyasi none whatsoever. 

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