Friday, January 4, 2013

Chapter 18, Shloka 13 - 19

Shloka 13
pancaitani maha-baho 
karanani nibodha me 
sankhye krtante proktani 

siddhaye sarva-karmanam

(About the) Five factors, O mighty-armed one, learn from Me. Sankhya declares these as (essential) for accomplishing any activity. 

Shloka 14
adhisthanam tatha karta 
karanam ca prthag-vidham 
vividhas ca prthak cesta 

daivam caivatra pancamam

The seat of action (body), the doer, the means (or instruments, i.e., senses) of different kinds, so also the various activities. Divine (will) being the fifth. 

Shloka 15
sarira-van-manobhir yat 
karma prarabhate narah 
nyayyam va viparitam va 

pancaite tasya hetavah

By body, speech or mind, whatever action man undertakes, whether right or wrong, these  five are its factors (causes).

Shloka 16
tatraivam sati kartaram 
atmanam kevalam tu yah 
pasyaty akrta-buddhitvan 

na sa pasyati durmatih

That being so in truth, whoever thinks of himself as the sole doer sees (concludes) so with  imperfect intelligence and is unable to see clearly, the fool. 

Shloka 17
yasya nahankrto bhavo 
buddhir yasya na lipyate 
hatvapi sa imal lokan 

na hanti na nibadhyate

Whose motivation is not ego-centered, and one whose intelligence is not clouded, though he kills (fellow beings) in this world, he does not kill and is not bound (by karmic consequences). 

Shloka 18
jnanam jneyam parijnata 
tri-vidha karma-codana 
karanam karma karteti 

tri-vidhah karma-sangrahah

Knowledge, what is to be known and the knower are three fold motivators of action. The instrument (i.e., the senses), the act and its doer, are the three fold constituents of action.

Shloka 19
jnanam karma ca karta ca 
tridhaiva guna-bhedatah 
procyate guna-sankhyane 

yathavac chrnu tany api

Knowledge, action and agent (of action) are of three kinds based on gunas according to guna-theory. Listen (carefully) about these too. 

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