Thursday, January 10, 2013

Chapter 18, Shloka 20 - 32

Shloka 20
sarva-bhutesu yenaikam 
bhavam avyayam iksate 
avibhaktam vibhaktesu 
taj jnanam viddhi sattvikam

In all beings, by which one sees the imperishable (atma); (sees) undivided in the divided, that knowledge, know it to be saatvik.

Shloka 21
prthaktvena tu yaj jnanam 
nana-bhavan prthag-vidhan 

vetti sarvesu bhutesu 

taj jnanam viddhi rajasam

As separate (individualized); the knowledge by which one see various beings, and (thus) know all beings; that knowledge know it to be rajasic. 

Shloka 22
yat tu krtsna-vad ekasmin 
karye saktam ahaitukam 

atattvartha-vad alpam ca 

tat tamasam udahrtam

(By) which (knowledge), considering it to be all one gets attached to one kind of work  without (that lacks) a motive or real purpose and is of little significance, that (knowledge) is said to be tamasic.

Shloka 23
niyatam sanga-rahitam 
araga-dvesatah krtam 

aphala-prepsuna karma 

yat tat sattvikam ucyate

Controlled, unattached and without like or dislike; actions performed (thus) and without desire for its fruits, is said to be satvik.

Shloka 24
yat tu kamepsuna karma 
sahankarena va punah 

kriyate bahulayasam 

tad rajasam udahrtam

But that action performed for satisfying desire, with ego (selfishness) and with great effort is said to be rajasic.

Shloka 25
anubandham ksayam himsam 
anapeksya ca paurusam 

mohad arabhyate karma 

yat tat tamasam ucyate

Consequences, loss and injury; ignoring these and ignoring one's own strength (ability); instead acting out of delusion, such (action) is said to be tamasic.

Shloka 26
mukta-sango 'naham-vadi 

siddhy-asiddhyor nirvikarah 

karta sattvika ucyate

Freed form attachment, non-egoistic, and is (filled with) steadfastness and enthusiasm; unperturbed by success or failure, such doer is satvik. 

Shloka 27
ragi karma-phala-prepsur 
lubdho himsatmako 'sucih 

harsa-sokanvitah karta 

rajasah parikirtitah

Passionate, desiring fruits of action, greedy prone to violence, impure; accompanied (swayed) by joy and sorrow is known as rajasic.

Shloka 28
ayuktah prakrtah stabdhah 
satho naiskrtiko 'lasah 

visadi dirgha-sutri ca 

karta tamasa ucyate

Undisciplined, ostentatious, obstinate, deceitful, dishonest, lazy, desperate and  procrastinator; such agent (performer) is said to be tamasic.

Shloka 29
buddher bhedam dhrtes caiva 
gunatas tri-vidham srnu 

procyamanam asesena 

prthaktvena dhananjaya

Distinctions in intelligence and steadfastness, according to gunas (Sankhya) are threefold; listen to how these are classified completely (without remainder) and separately, O Dhananjaya.

Shloka 30
pravrttim ca nivrttim ca 
karyakarye bhayabhaye 

bandham moksam ca ya vetti 

buddhih sa partha sattviki

Activity (outward path) and Inactivity (Inward path), action and inaction, fear and its absence, binding and non-binding (karmic); the intelligence that knows these, Partha, is satvik.

Shloka 31
yaya dharmam adharmam ca 
karyam cakaryam eva ca 

ayathavat prajanati 

buddhih sa partha rajasi

By which, dharma and adharma, action and inaction is erroneously distinguished, that intelligence, O Partha, is rajasic.

Shloka 32
adharmam dharmam iti ya 
manyate tamasavrta 

sarvarthan viparitams ca 

buddhih sa partha tamasi

(Where by) Adharma is understood as dharma due to confusion (darkness), and misunderstanding (taking perverted view of) all, that intelligence, O Partha is tamasic.

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