Friday, January 25, 2013

Chapter 18, Shloka 33 - 46

Shloka 33
dhrtya yaya dharayate 


dhrtih sa partha sattviki

Steadfastness by which one holds the functions of mind, breath and prana by unwavering yoga, that steadfastness O Partha, is satvik.

Shloka 34
yaya tu dharma-kamarthan 
dhrtya dharayate 'rjuna 

prasangena phalakanksi 

dhrtih sa partha rajasi

But by which dharma, kama (desire) and artha (material wealth) are held on with steadfastness O Arjuna, with attachment and desiring fruits of action, that steadfastness, O Partha, is rajasic.

Shloka 35
yaya svapnam bhayam sokam 
visadam madam eva ca 

na vimuncati durmedha 

dhrtih sa partha tamasi

By which (steadfastness) dream (sleep), fear, sorrow, depression and conceit are not given up by the unintelligent (person), that steadfastness O Partha is tamasic.

Shloka 36
sukham tv idanim tri-vidham 
srnu me bharatarsabha 

abhyasad ramate yatra 

duhkhantam ca nigacchati

Happiness/Peace, threefold, listen about them from me O Bull (best) of the Bharatas; practicing which one enjoys and goes (reaches) to end of suffering. 

Shloka 37
yat tad agre visam iva 
pariname 'mrtopamam 

tat sukham sattvikam proktam 


That which initially (feels like) poison, but develops into nectarine (peace), that  peace/happiness is satvik. It is born from self-knowledge.

Shloka 38
yat tad agre 'mrtopamam 

pariname visam iva 

tat sukham rajasam smrtam

Senses coming in contact with sense-objects (producing happiness/peace) that feels nectarine initially and turns poisonous, that happiness is known as rajasic.

Shloka 39
yad agre canubandhe ca 
sukham mohanam atmanah 


tat tamasam udahrtam

That begins and ends (results) in self-deluding happiness/peace arising out of sleep, sloth and confusion, that (happiness) is known as tamasic.

Shloka 40
na tad asti prthivyam va 
divi devesu va punah 

sattvam prakrti-jair muktam 

yad ebhih syat tribhir gunaih

There is nothing either on earth or in heaven or among devas yet, that is free of three gunas arising out of prakriti (prakriti is to be understood from Sankhya point of view).

Shloka 41
sudranam ca parantapa 

karmani pravibhaktani 

svabhava-prabhavair gunaih

Brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and shudras O destroyer of enemies, are distributed (distinguished) by their karmas (actions) according to the gunas arising from (their) innate nature.

Shloka 42
samo damas tapah saucam 
ksantir arjavam eva ca 

jnanam vijnanam astikyam 

brahma-karma svabhava-jam

Calmness, self-control, austerity, peace/patience, uprightness/honesty, wisdom, discrimination, and belief in God are actions of brahmana born of their innate nature.

Shloka 43
sauryam tejo dhrtir daksyam 
yuddhe capy apalayanam 

danam isvara-bhavas ca 

ksatram karma svabhava-jam

Heroism, splendor, determination, resourcefulness, not turning away (fleeing) in battle, generosity, and lordship (leadership) are actions of kshatriya born of their innate nature.

Shloka 44
vaisya-karma svabhava-jam 

paricaryatmakam karma 

sudrasyapi svabhava-jam

Farming, cow protection and trade are actions of vaisya born of their innate nature; service type actions are of shudra, born of their innate nature.

Shloka 45
sve sve karmany abhiratah 
samsiddhim labhate narah 

sva-karma-niratah siddhim 

yatha vindati tac chrnu

(Being) Contented with their own action, man attains perfection. Following his own action how one can attain perfection, listen to that (from me). 

Shloka 46
yatah pravrttir bhutanam 
yena sarvam idam tatam 
sva-karmana tam abhyarcya 
siddhim vindati manavah

From whom origins all beings, by whom all this (universe) is pervaded; worshiping him by performing one's own action perfection is attained by man. 

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