Thursday, February 7, 2013

Chapter 18, Shloka 47 - 58

Shloka 47
sreyan sva-dharmo vigunah 
para-dharmat svanusthitat 
svabhava-niyatam karma 
kurvan napnoti kilbisam

Superior (is performing) one's own dharma even if performed imperfectly, (than) performing another's dharma perfectly; (for) innate nature controlled (prompted) action when performed does not incur guilt (evil).

Shloka 48
saha-jam karma kaunteya 
sa-dosam api na tyajet 
sarvarambha hi dosena 
dhumenagnir ivavrtah

Inborn action, O Kaunteya, although deficient (faulty) should not be given up; (for) all undertakings (actions) are (covered with) deficiency, (just as) smoke envelopes fire. 

Shloka 49
asakta-buddhih sarvatra 
jitatma vigata-sprhah 
naiskarmya-siddhim paramam 

(With) unattached intelligence everywhere (every moment); (having) conquered oneself, free from desires; supreme perfection of non-action, is attained through yoga of sanyasa.

Shloka 50
siddhim prapto yatha brahma 
tathapnoti nibodha me 
samasenaiva kaunteya 
nistha jnanasya ya para

Having attained perfection, how brahman can be attained, learn from me briefly Kaunteya, state of wisdom supreme (i.e., Brahman).

Shloka 51
buddhya visuddhaya yukto 
dhrtyatmanam niyamya ca 
sabdadin visayams tyaktva 
raga-dvesau vyudasya ca

Yoked by purity and/of Intelligence, steadfast in self-control, discarding objects of sense starting with sound, casting aside passion and hatred. 

Shloka 52
vivikta-sevi laghv-asi 
dhyana-yoga-paro nityam 
vairagyam samupasritah

Dwelling solitarily eating little, controlled speech, body and mind, devoted (dedicated to) dhyana-yoga, taking refuge in dispassion

Shloka 53
ahankaram balam darpam 
kamam krodham parigraham 
vimucya nirmamah santo 
brahma-bhuyaya kalpate

Egoism, strength (bodily), arrogance, desire, anger and possessiveness (of property), discarding these (aforementioned) self-less, tranquil; (such a person  earns) fitness for oneness with Brahman.  

Shloka 54
brahma-bhutah prasannatma 
na socati na kanksati 
samah sarvesu bhutesu 
mad-bhaktim labhate param

Absorbed in Brahman, serene, (he) neither mourns nor desires, impartial (equal) among all beings, attains supreme devotion to me.

Shloka 55
bhaktya mam abhijanati 
yavan yas casmi tattvatah 
tato mam tattvato jnatva 
visate tad-anantaram

With devotion to me he knows how much (great) and who I am in essence; then my essence having known (experienced), enters me immediately. 

Shloka 56
sarva-karmany api sada 
kurvano mad-vyapasrayah 
mat-prasadad avapnoti 
sasvatam padam avyayam

Performing all actions always relying on me, by my grace he attains the eternal, imperishable abode.  

Shloka 57
cetasa sarva-karmani 
mayi sannyasya mat-parah 
buddhi-yogam upasritya 
mac-cittah satatam bhava

By thought, relinquish all actions, be devoted to me as Supreme, taking refuge in buddi-yoga (determination of intelligent discrimination), be always conscious of me.

Shloka 58
mac-cittah sarva-durgani 
mat-prasadat tarisyasi 
atha cet tvam ahankaran 
na srosyasi vinanksyasi

Being conscious of me, all obstacles by my grace you'll transcend; else, if through egoism, you'll not listen, you'll perish (be lost).

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